Call us 530-265-3539 or Toll-Free @ (800) 366-3538. We are in the New York Hotel – 408 Broad St., Nevada City, CA. 12 PM – 5 PM every day. Find us on Google maps.

In 2020, Rudy Udarbe started his own line of Uncle Rudy’s Royal Truffles. The The Truffle Shop’s Online Store has been updated with Uncle Rudy’s new flavors! If you are interested in ordering these new truffles, please check out the Online Store or give a call to the shop at (530) 265-3539 or our Toll-Free number (800) 366-3538
In the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California, Nevada City hosts The Truffle Shop which has been selling some of the finest chocolate truffles and desserts in the world for over 30 years.
If you live in Northern California, you can come and visit our shop at the New York Hotel at 408 Broad St in Nevada City – otherwise, use our online store to order your Truffles.